Seed of Life Mural

Just finished a wonderful Mosaic Mural Making Workshop in Niwot, Colorado during which we created this piece. One of my favorite pieces to date, this one is based on sacred geometry and revolves around the seed of life.

Loving this mural and super proud of my students for working with such a complicated design.

The workshop took place in Niwot, CO August 21-25, 2019.

We got lots of press coverage (below).

Seed of Life

Design and project facilitation by Laurel True.

Created by Laurel True and students during True’s Mosaic Mural Making Workshop: Laurie Agard, Suzanne Gordon, Debra Haggerty, Nancy Hudson-Helmuth, Rochelle Jacobs, Brenda Longacre, Samagra Melville, Heather Richardson, Lisa Rivard, David Schaldach and Julie Sobolewski with invaluable production assistance by Vicki Murphy and Amy McClure.

Niwot, Colorado, 2019

Project in partnership with True Mosaics Studio and Global Mosaic Project and hosted by Samagra Melville and David Schaldach.

Materials: Glass, mirror and ceramic, including handmade tile by Samagra Mellville.

Check out my IG @laureltrue3 or FB page for short vid of final piece. The mirror looks so beautiful all glittering in the light.


KGNU radio interview:

Longmont Times-Call paper

A piece of the community: Mosaic artist leads workshop to create Niwot Market mural –

Left Hand Valley Courier:
