The Power of Art lecture in Seattle is going to be a wonderful special event! Seattle Mosaics Arts will be hosting this event and has declared July "Global Health Month". SMA has arranged a 100-seat auditorium for the Power of Art lecture at Seattle BioMed, a leading public health research institute. Seattle Mosaic Arts will host a reception before the lecture, which will start at 5:30pm. This is exciting: The reception will be catered by acclaimed Seattle Chef Becky Selengut. Lecture will start at 6 pm. Tickets are $10 and about half of the seats are already reserved! RSVP/purchase tickets in advance at Seattle Mosaic Arts or 206.402.6642 In addition to hosting this event, Seattle Mosaic Arts is exhibiting photographs of the community mosaic projects I facilitated in Haiti, and of photos of my own studio work. Proceeds from photo sales go to benefit the Mosaic Artwork Fund for the Mosaics For Mirebalais Project in Haiti. Nice!
The Power of Art: Building Creative Capital Through Community Mosaics Projects in the US, Africa and Haiti Facilitated by Laurel True
This presentation is a fundraiser for Partners In Health / Mosaic Artwork Fund for Mirebalais Hospital, Haiti. During this inspiring presentation, longtime community mosaic artist Laurel True will present images of numerous community mosaic projects she has facilitated nationally and internationally over the last 18 years in the US, Kenya, Ghana and Haiti. This touring presentation showcases the power of art and how community mosaics can transform lives and the environments in which they are sited. Project documentation from a variety of projects will highlight both the community process and resulting public projects. Laurel's process working with community ranges from renegade street art to organized programming through schools and community centers. True partners with non-profit and community organizations to develop unique projects that reflect the individuals who create them as well as the communities that surround them. Through community supported fundraising, Laurel has been able to teach and train hundreds of project participants including youth, adults, trades people and teachers in mosaic techniques. Her efforts have brought arts education and entrepreneurial training to underserved communities in urban and developing areas. These projects foster creative expression, teamwork, neighborhood beautification and community development through public, permanent, community based art.
Laurel will talk about the short and long-term effects of projects in public spaces, parks, hospitals and schools and share her development plans for her upcoming project with Partners In Health for the new hospital being built in Mirebalais, Haiti, The "Mosaics at Mirebalais Project" will bring public art to the hospital as well as training Haitian trades people in architectural mosaic making techniques. More info: Make a tax- deductible donation to the Mosaic Artwork Fund For Mirebalais Hospital: | ||
Time: | Friday, July 22, 2011 5:30 pm - 8 pm PDT | |
Host: | Seattle Mosaic Arts | |
Location: | Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (Seattle, WA) 307 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98109 See this event listing on the Partners In Health website: I have no idea why this post looks like this- smashed to one side.. If I was handier on the computer I might be able to fix it but alas, I can't. |